Archiv pro měsíc: Listopad 2014

Vizualizace dat z databází a zdrojů

Tvorba tabulkových reportů z databází Data Visualization. Bezplatný, reportovací nástroj. Zdrojem mohou být různé databáze a výsledek je možné exportovat např. do PDF.

Data reporting z databází ZOHO reports

datawrapper open source tool helping anyone to create simple, correct and embeddable charts in minutes.

Flare je ActionScript knihovna pro vytváření vizualizací, které poběží v Adobe Flash Playeru. Od základních grafů až po interaktivní grafiky.

30 free nástrojů pro vizualizaci dat – přehledná tabulka

Datacopia jak vybrat správný graf

Smart Data Visualization – zobrazte svá data. Najděte závislosti v datech a zjistěte trendy a pronikněte do neočekávaných souvislostí. Transformujte svá surová data do užitečných informací za pomoci vygenerovaných diagramů a grafů. tvorba infografik. Santa Claus a infografika kdy se páry rozcházejí – tvorba infografiky online

Google public data statistics

Nástroje na tvorbu infografiky

Jížní Korea na rozcestí

Jížní Korea hledá své místo na mapě

5 esejí
Vysoký podíl výdajů na výzkum a vývoj
Ceny a kvalita – Mezi Japonskem a Čínou
Budování značek – Samsung, LG, Hyundai
Od výroby ke službám
Srovnávání úrovně mezi Soulem a regiony
Korea – otevírající se světu
Nutnost budovat značku „Korea“

Less than 10 percent of the students in the Anderson Analytics survey identified Samsung or LG as South Korean (they thought they were Japanese). Notably, students who did recognize LG and Samsung as South Korean also gave higher marks for quality to South Korea as a country, thus giving evidence of the bidirectional benefits of perceived high-quality products. The implications are huge. South Korea invests vast sums in R&D and design (exhibit). Its companies make world-beating products. But who gets the credit? Japan.

Mistrovství v designu
Vysoký podíl výroby na HDP
Produktivní výroba znamená více propuštěných zaměstnanců
Budoucnost je ve službách

Services account for 58 percent of the economy in South Korea, compared with 80 percent in the United States, 79 percent in the United Kingdom, 73 percent in Japan, and 72 percent in Germany.
Service creates more high-skilled work than manufacturing. In the United States, upward of 30 percent of service jobs are in the highest-skill categories—professional, technical, managerial, and administrative occupations—compared with just 12 percent of manufacturing jobs.

Nutnost zefektivnění sektoru služeb a vlády

According to the OECD, South Korea’s private-sector services productivity is only 56 percent of manufacturing productivity, in stark contrast to other developed nations where the two are about the same. This represents a huge opportunity to boost the country’s overall productivity.

Regulovaná ekonomika
Zvýhodňování malých a neefektivních firem
Chaeboly (čeboly) důraz na export, nyní hledání perspektivy ve službách
Severní Korea jako továrna pro Jížní

Proč Via přežila, zatímco CYRIX a Transmeta ne

Glenn Henry o Via

„We did this new architecture and first chip with a company of less than 100 people, including lots of testers and support people. Intel’s process is also very good, but since when has product cost been a key factor in their market?“

And what of the fallen foes in Intel’s wake, such as Transmeta and Cyrix? Henry said, „Transmeta was doomed to start with. Their die was too big, their power approach was over-hyped, and they had grotesque incompatibility. Then, they were incredibly bloated. I used to joke that they had more VPs than we had people. They certainly had more managers than we had people.“

„Cyrix had a good product, but they got bought by a ‚big smokestack‘ company and they got bloated. When Via bought Cyrix, they had 400, and we had 60, and we were turning out more product.“

Kompetence (zaměstnanců)

Kompetence – kombinace praktických a teoretických znalostí, schopností, chování a hodnot využitelných ke zvýšení výkonnosti zaměstnance

5 úrovní kompetence podle Dreyfusů:

  • Novice: Rule-based behaviour, strongly limited and inflexible
  • Experienced Beginner: Incorporates aspects of the situation
  • Practitioner: Acting consciously from long-term goals and plans
  • Knowledgeable practitioner: Sees the situation as a whole and acts from personal conviction
  • Expert: Has an intuitive understanding of the situation and zooms in on the central aspects

5 kategorií kompetencí dle CEB (Six techniques for building a strategic finance department)

  • Doer. These behaviors included strong functional expertise and ability to break down problems into manageable tasks.
  • Learner. These behaviors included seeking feedback for own performance, looking for opportunities to improve, and asking for help when appropriate.
  • Strategist. These behaviors included strong understanding of business operations and discussing financial performance in terms of key value drivers.
  • Persuader. These behaviors included articulating views clearly, challenging business assumptions, and adapting and tailoring communication style.
  • Builder. These behaviors included creating vision and fostering buy-in, developing people and talent pools, and setting business-aligned goals for the team.

Competency-based performance management – vč. ročního 360 st. hodnocení

Core competency